Please Read

The following blog posts are based solely on my personal experiences. I am not a Doctor, Nutrition specialist, Comedian, or Professional Baseball Player. If you have a health, nutrition, humor, or baseball issue please seek a PROFESSIONAL.

Favorite Bathrooms

  • Home Sweet Home
  • When I'm @ someones house: the one farthest away from the crowd
  • @ the Mall: Macy's (as public bathrooms go this one is very nice)
  • If I can't make it to Macy's...JC Penney's will have to do (they recently remodeled so it is better than it was. I don't know why they didn't ask for my input???)
  • Monterey Bay Fish Grotto in Monroeville has a great bathroom
  • Ponte Vedra Inn and Club, My fav place to vacation, their rooms have the most wonderful bathrooms

Helpful links

  • FREE Crohns Disease Support Network
  • Find a Toilet
  • Medical Alert Restroom Access Pass

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Busy Bee Is Me!!!

College baseball season is in full swing which makes for a very busy me.
We spent the first two weeks of March in FL. One week for business and one week for baseball. I got to spend some of that time on the beach…Oh how I love the beach.
Busy because I am the team photographer…which means I take about 700 pictures per game, edit those pictures down to about 400, and upload them to the web for the coaches and players. The coach uses my pictures for the college website, the conference website, and local newspapers. Yes I am a published photographer ahem ahem!!! :) I love doing it but it is very time consuming so I have had to put my sweepstakeing on hold.

and every spring training trip needs a mohawk...

…along with the beard that will grow all season. "FEED THE BEARD" as he is fond of saying.

Ahhhh the beach!!!!

The sound of the surf, the warmth of the sun, and Starbucks!!! I'm a happy girl!!!

Love, Laugh, and Always know where the nearest bathroom is.

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