Please Read

The following blog posts are based solely on my personal experiences. I am not a Doctor, Nutrition specialist, Comedian, or Professional Baseball Player. If you have a health, nutrition, humor, or baseball issue please seek a PROFESSIONAL.

Favorite Bathrooms

  • Home Sweet Home
  • When I'm @ someones house: the one farthest away from the crowd
  • @ the Mall: Macy's (as public bathrooms go this one is very nice)
  • If I can't make it to Macy's...JC Penney's will have to do (they recently remodeled so it is better than it was. I don't know why they didn't ask for my input???)
  • Monterey Bay Fish Grotto in Monroeville has a great bathroom
  • Ponte Vedra Inn and Club, My fav place to vacation, their rooms have the most wonderful bathrooms

Helpful links

  • FREE Crohns Disease Support Network
  • Find a Toilet
  • Medical Alert Restroom Access Pass

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I am happy to say I am still relaxing (much to everyone’s dismay :) I’m almost done with that second book. I am squeezing in some laundry, cleaning, re-organizing my kitchen cabinets (only a few more to go) and linen closet. I have a huge TV on my living room floor and boxes of dishes in my dining room that hopefully will be removed once J moves back to school this weekend. Speaking of dishes I finally have a full matching set again with lots of serving dishes/mixing bowls and so on. Thank you JA *smooch on the cheek*

These restful weeks have been great for my diet too. Its much easier to stick to the gluten free foods while at home as opposed to the endless tour of baseball fields during the season. I hope to try new recipes and products and share my thoughts with you.

I had a wonderful Saturday helping my beautiful niece C watch my beautiful great niece PenPen while her parents went to a wedding hours and hours and hours away. We took her swimming at A’s my other beautiful niece (btw I have lots of beautiful nieces :) Pen is quite the adventurous almost 1 year old. She LOVES being in the pool…see for yourself:

Oh and more piggy toes…I can’t resist them:

On the way to A’s we stopped at Trax Farm and bought some lunch and some wonderful tomatoes, corn on the cob, cheese, fruit, snacks. All Gluten Free of course. My next post will be all about the tomatoes Yummers! Until then

Love, Laugh, and Always know where the nearest bathroom is

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