Please Read

The following blog posts are based solely on my personal experiences. I am not a Doctor, Nutrition specialist, Comedian, or Professional Baseball Player. If you have a health, nutrition, humor, or baseball issue please seek a PROFESSIONAL.

Favorite Bathrooms

  • Home Sweet Home
  • When I'm @ someones house: the one farthest away from the crowd
  • @ the Mall: Macy's (as public bathrooms go this one is very nice)
  • If I can't make it to Macy's...JC Penney's will have to do (they recently remodeled so it is better than it was. I don't know why they didn't ask for my input???)
  • Monterey Bay Fish Grotto in Monroeville has a great bathroom
  • Ponte Vedra Inn and Club, My fav place to vacation, their rooms have the most wonderful bathrooms

Helpful links

  • FREE Crohns Disease Support Network
  • Find a Toilet
  • Medical Alert Restroom Access Pass

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well I had my second chemo and it went about the same as the first with a few improvements. I still had a lot of diarrhea and some abdominal pain but my fistula did not flare and I didn’t have nearly as much bleeding. I really do think that this is just a side effect of the chemo and not that my crohns is flaring because once I get through the rough part I am back to my normal normal. I did call my GI doctor about the severe diarrhea and he proscribed Lomotil. It did seem to help a little bit but not much. I was able to stay hydrated enough to stay out of the hospital. That however was quite an ordeal with a nasty nurse. If you want you can read about that in my other blog Thankfully my GI doc understands what I’m going through and will help in any way he can. My appetite is good and I am very glad that I haven’t lost any weight so far. I really hope that doesn’t happen. Since I only have 2 more treatments left I don’t think it will. Well I hope everyone had a nice new years and that 2011 will be very happy and very healthy for all of us!

Love, Laugh, and Always know where the nearest bathroom is

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